Examination Information
NOTE: Please schedule all exams at a testing center. Only choose Proctored Exam if there isn’t a testing center in your region/country.
Watch this video to understand how to register once IGCCB has approved your request.
Testing Vendor
You must access the International Gambling Counselor Exam through our Certemy software located on our home page. We no longer provide access to the exam without creating an account in our Certemy certification system.
Passing score of the International Certification Examination for Gambling Counselors is required for ICGC-I and II credentials and must be submitted in the Certemy software as part of your IGCCB application.
Questions about the Exam, contact Certification@igccb.org.
(800) 741-0934
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- Questions regarding testing sites and appointments
Examination Prep Course (fee applies)
Evergreen Council on Problem Gambling: