Board Approved Recovery Advisor (BARA) Certification

The following is an outline of the requirements for certification as a Board Approved Recovery Advisor (BARA)

All documentation and evaluations to be completed in our Certemy certification software.

IGRS Certification

Maintain the International Gambling Recovery Specialist (IGRS) certification for a minimum of (4) four years prior to applying for the BARA certification.


Complete 12 hours of supervisory training specifically focused on gambling disorder AND peer treatment.



Accumulate a minimum of 4,000 hours of direct peer work with individuals diagnosed with a gambling disorder and/or individuals affected by disordered gambling.


Provide TWO (2) letters if References. One (1) letter must be from a current Board Approved Recovery Advisor (BARA) or Board Approved Clinical Consultant (BACC) and ONE (1) letter from a Supervisor or Colleague. BOTH letters should address the applicant’s competency as a Supervisor/Peer in the field of gambling disordered treatment.


Complete the application form, ethical statement forms, and directory authorization form IN CERTEMY.